Our pricing schedule is estimated for a Saturday-to-Saturday experience. The all-inclusive Base Fee of $640 (2024) or $675 (2025) is per team member and includes our admin fees, food, transportation, and housing. In addition to the base fee, each team will need to raise funds for airfare, project expenses, free day excursions, and personal spending money. This amounts to nominally $94 per day per person.
Note: There will always be a degree of adjustments to this number pending your teams’ final schedule and food/housing requests.
Admin Fee: $26 per day * 7 days = $182
This is calculated to cover the back-office and staffing costs to make your experience come together smoothly. We have two in-country staff at present – Isaí Mendez and Alejandra Mendez.
Hotel: $18 per person w/ 3 persons * 6 nights = $108.00
Our preferred hotel is Posada Antaños, with whom we have a discounted rate. In calculating your room charges, know that we calculate to place 3 people per room. If you wish to place fewer people in the room, the room cost of $53 will still be charged.
For teams facilitating their own logistics, the rate for this hotel will be higher. Here is a list that we have compiled of other options :
Hotel La Aurora – http://www.hotelauroraantigua.com/en/
Hotel El Carmen – https://www.elcarmenhotel.com/en/
Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo – https://antigua.posadadedonrodrigo.com
Hotel Santo Domingo – https://www.casasantodomingo.com.gt/accommodations/rooms
Hotel Convento Santa Catalina – https://www.hotelconventosantacatalina.com
Food: $5.00/Breakfast – $10.00/Lunch – $20.00 /Dinner per day * 7 days = $245
The listed costs are for the all-inclusive option. These meal costs are typical for teams facilitating their team logistics but may vary somewhat.
We have compiled a shortlist of viable dining options.
Los tres tiempos – https://www.lostrestiempos.com
Fridas – http://www.restaurantefridas.com
La Fonda de la calle Real – http://lafondadelacallereal.com
Cafe Barista – https://issuu.com/cafebarista/docs/menu_cb_issuu__1_
Las Palmas – https://laspalmasantigua.com/menu-del-restaurante/
TaCool – https://tacool.com.gt
El Viejo Cafe – https://elviejocafe.com/productos/
Posada De Don Rodrigo – http://antigua.posadadedonrodrigo.com/menu/english.html
Transportation: $15 per person * 7 days = $105
Based on a team size of 10-12 people, we have sufficient transportation to accommodate the need. These funds cover a typical week of fuel consumption. Any residual funds from this budget are retained for vehicle maintenance and/or future replacement.
For teams facilitating their own logistics, these costs may vary pending on the rental agency. There are several options at La Aurora International Airport. We have always found that Guatemalan Auto Rental has always proven to be economical and reliable.
Guatemala Auto Rental – Marcos Hernandez
Ejecutiva de Rentas, mhernandez@guatemalarentacar.com
+502 4583 5707 • Mobile
+502 2208 9012 (2024)
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